Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We all feel jealous at one point or another. We can be jealous of almost anything, be it a smooth life of somebody, colors chosen for whitewash.. good choice of meal.. boy friend, girl friend.. it can be almost anything. And above all guilt of being Jealous leads to another emotional problem- frustration and sometimes we feel so much angry because Jealousy gets to our head that in that moment of fury we are unstoppable. Though Jealous per se is not bad. It is a natural emotional problem and can be used in positive. However most of us simply struggle to convert this by definition negative emotion into positive energy. In fact most of us only categorize Jealousy as a extremely deadly emotion and needs to get away with it or simply shed it off. However the big question is .. is it really bad to Jealous.. cannot we stop comparing our self with others .. what we have is ours and what belong to others simply cannot be ours. Also don't fight too much of bad emotions as none of the emotion is bad or good.. First we have to accept us as imperfect, and mind you nobody in this world is perfect. Whosoever it is everybody gets Jealous like you and me, and it is not something we want to suppress and we want to kill our self. However the main part is how can we convert it into more positive energy. And the best part is there are almost 100 of books available in this world in all possible language which will tell how to get away with this pathetic emotion as it is the reason of so many bad happening in this world. But the best part is no matter what you will do .. in end you cannot stop yourself from being Jealous.. why because you are not perfect.. in case you stop being jealous you are attaining to perfectionism and perfection is far from being Human. So first stop assuming that jealousy is bad and secondly you can stop yourself from being jealous. It will not happen and should not happen.. so stop spending on books which claims to make you jealous free.. This feeling or emotion is shared by all... and no one can remain Jealous free.. we are born like that and we will remain like that.. Now how to become more acceptable to Jealous.. the only way is to accept jealousy to be our part.. just don't ignore this feeling.. it always remained and it will remain.. so whenever you are Jealous speak loud to yourself.. I am jealous and it is alright.. I am just another human being and you never know the another person might be jealous of you as well.. Once you taking cognizance of Jealousy formally .. you will see in your self a radical change..

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