Friday, August 20, 2010

Why we get tense?

When I refuse to buy colors to my daughter, her face was almost red and she was roaring. The amount of tension was clearly visible on her face, and when I scolded she cried like hell. In fact we always have expectations and they vary with the age- obviously. And when our expectations didn't met we get angry, helpless and this helplessness amount to tension.

Why Helplessness?
Not everybody can climb Mt. Everest and even if some people did climb they were prepared for the unexpected. The unexpected obviously means- never know what is going to happen and we are not adequately equipped for the event. Hence helplessness become very evident as event is happening and lest we can do to control it. The anguish of couldn't do to control the effects of an event make us feel uneasy. We can have money, political powers, muscle power but they too sometimes become helpless as things are way beyond their boundaries.

Helplessness leads to tension

Now when we can do almost nothing in case of an event, we have fear of unexpected outcome and generally we expect something to go against us. We can never imagine if things are happening and they are not within our control, we feel uneasy, as things can go bad or good but we get to know the outcome when it will get completed. Even if we are dealing with something very controllable we have so much dependency, that we cannot calculate the amount of assumption we are making.
In Gita, when Arjuna find himself surrounded by uncontrollable events, he turned to God for the guidance. But is it possible for everyone to find answer from God and how do we know God is listening and also willing to answer us.

Great Message from Gita
The whole crux of Gita is that you have to have blindfold believe that there are powers beyond your control and they are the one who is controlling each and every part of your life and even you. Though the only negative side of this belief that we tend to sit idle as we just assume that controller of events are way beyond our reach and better not to act. This is misconception here, don't even assume that God whence says - I control outcome, he don't. In fact simple theory is Bad karma will yield bad results and vice versa. But How to simply believe Karma theory. If you don't believe Karma theory, you are free to do so but cause and effect are not simple to ignore. Even LAW OF ATTRACTION works on being positive, when simple thoughts are so powerful assume how much powerful act can be.

Big Events of Life

There are events which are life threatening and they sometimes bring so much humongous change in our life that we just saw events unfolding before our eyes and even if we say they are just our some past life (or present life) Karma's they make everlasting impact on our life. Sometimes these events make us feel so helpless and small that our negative energy totally take charge of our life and some of us start to think about end of life or something similar. But don't we have right to know what we did in past so that we can prepare us for those outcomes. We should blindly believe in Karma theory but don't give respite from pains and all set backs we get.
Forever Fight
Now what I understood from life is everything is mortal, earth is dying, moon is shrinking, sun is losing energy, hence in a way everything we witness is not going to be here forever, then what is the fun in getting attached to them. But lose of job, relative , set back in love and so forth events are still much more then simple learning phases of life. And that's how survival of fittest happens, you have show courage not to people but towards you. You have to show sympathy to yourself- that despite your hard work things might go wrong, but that's alright. Not everyone get what they want and even they get what they desired they find they got it too late or of not of any use.
Tension and Life style
Hence always be ready for surprises and whatever they are remember that even you are not on this planet forever. Science is doing almost everything to make man mortal but it is useless when everything even in this universe is dying where are gonna live. Whenever you are tense assume things are not enough for everybody and you are no exception. Time might be bad today, tomorrow it will be alright and day after tomorrow it can go bad again. So always be on toes and welcome changes in whatever color they are.

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